Below is a collection of the best podcast episodes and best speeches I’ve listened to over the years and that I’ve found worthwhile. This page is in progress and will be updated over time.
Best Episodes:
Sam Harris & Peter Atia
On meditation and nature of the mind.
Patrick Collison & Tim Ferriss
A great chat about life, business, and philosophy with Patrick Collison. Always good.
Nick Kokonas & Tim Ferriss
Fun listen with Nick Kokonas — How to Apply World-Class Creativity to Business, Art, and Life.
Hamilton Morris & Tim Ferriss
Hamilton Morris on Better Living Through Chemistry: Psychedelics, Smart Drugs, and More
Peter Atia & Robert Lustig
Technical but worthwhile listen – Robert Lustig, M.D., M.S.L.: fructose, processed food, NAFLD, and changing the food system.
Joe Rogan & Elon Musk
On AI, philosophy, and technology.
Drew Houston & Tim Ferriss
Sound life advice and a fun history of Dropbox.
Here are my favorite podcasts:
Making Sense with Sam Harris
Interviews with scientists, philosophers, writers, etc. Lots of thought provoking conversations.
Tim Ferriss Podcast
Interviews with world class performers
Joe Rogan Experience
Huge variety, recommended to find episodes with people you find interesting and listen.
Philosophize This
Excellent podcast on philosophy – the study of existence, being, knowledge, and more.
On the brain, mind, and how it works.
Best speeches:
9 Life Lessons by Tom Minchin
Excellent guiding lessons on living life.
Commencement Speech by Steve Jobs
3 great stories and sound advice.