A few months ago I posted that “I’m Moving to Thailand“.  Well, the day is about here.

On Sunday, the journey begins.  I will be spending a couple weeks in the UK, particularly in Leeds and then up to Scotland for a few days.  On October 23rd, I will be heading to Bangkok to live there.  I’m excited to see what new opportunities arise, and also excited to see what the other side of the world looks like. These last few days have been hectic, and the next month will be even more so.  The unknowns of the future makes this time quite fun, I’m stoked.

Aside from that, if you haven’t seen, I’ve recently redesigned my personal webpage, pjkcubed.com.  Check it out and give me some feedback.

Next post will be written from abroad, perhaps a trip report on the UK and initial impressions of Asia.  A few things before I go:

– It’s been 1 year today since Steve Jobs passed away. Need some motivation? Watch his speech below.  No doubt the last 12 months have been the fastest 12 months of my life:

Watch The Science of Procrastination in 3 Minutes by Asian Efficiency

Follow me on Twitter if you’re interested in what I read and do: @pjkmedia 

Keep it real.

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Web Developer
I write for fun, I travel for fun, and I enjoy learning. I hate sugar-coating things. Understand the world in reality, not by dogma. Question everything.

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